Sierra County, New Mexico

Jornado del Muerto Ranch – 1,423± Deeded Acres – *SOLD*


1,423.38± Acres (Deeded)

The Jornado del Muerto Ranch is more or less 1,423.38± deeded acres and lies east of the Caballo Mountains. This small ranch has great potential for anyone looking to build and design from the ground up with water wells located on the subject property. The ranch is located in the small community of Engle, in Sierra Country, New Mexico. Engle was a station on the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway and New Mexico State Road 51 passes through the community. Elephant Butte Lake and Truth or Consequences lies to the West and the San Andres Mountains are to the East. It is a low desert ranch with the elevation of 4,777’. The annual average rainfall on this ranch is 10 -12 inches. Although arid high desert country, it has a variety of forage like Blue Grama, Black Grama, Sideoats-Grama, Vine Mesquite, Spike Dropseed, Mesa Dropseed, Sand Dropseed, Sacaton, Arizona Cottontop, Wheatgrass, Bush Muhly, and Tobosa.



Engle began in 1879 as a stop on the Santa Fe Railroad where it was crucial shipping point for miners and prospectors and served as a water stop. After the mining dried up in the area, ranchers to the east began driving cattle across the plains, sometimes as many as 17,000 head of cattle. At that time the railroad stop became an important point for shipping cattle and it was a popular place for cowboys to stop and rest.  In 1945 the US Government made the land east of Engle into what is now White Sands Missile Range for the purpose of testing the Atomic Bomb.


Spaceport America

The Subject Property is located less than 9 miles from Spaceport America which is FAA licensed. The Spaceport is located on 18,000 acres of State Trust Land in the Jornada del Muerto desert basin 45 miles north of Las Cruces, New Mexico, and 20 miles southeast of Truth or Consequences. Spaceport America is “the world’s first purpose-built commercial spaceport”, designed and constructed specifically for commercial users, that had not previously been an airport or federal infrastructure of any kind.



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    Sierra County, New Mexico